Monday, July 20, 2009

The wedding and funeral orchestra, slow dryers, cloudy skies and tons of work at home

Friday at work I discovered a fabulous live version of the Wedding Cocek, now that's music I want at my wedding:

"momite, da igraiat horo"

Then Friday I got ripped with people I didn't know, and Saturday I saw some great Brazilian singing live at Ovo by Le Cirque du Soleil. Saturday night I was at the chalet, all alone and tired, and after a few BBQ sausages and explanation on how to man-handle a barricade by Victor Hugo, I hit the sack.

Little did I know, the following day, my only Sunday in the week, was spent washing and drying covers, actually mostly waiting for the slow dryer to dry the covers thoroughly. I also did some extreme gardening: armed only with my hands and a scissor, I cleared up the wild growth around all the trees we planted this year. Finally after having washed the floors and taken out 2 buckets of dust-blackened water, I headed back home, where guess what I did? I continued working like an animal, installing protective plastic in my cupboards, washing dishes and putting up art on my walls. And all this while the sky was mostly depressingly cloudy and my tender half was pissing me off from half-the-globe away while partying and living it up in a new city, my parents were chilling with friends and my brother was vacationing.

I understood that I do too much for other people; I want everything to be perfect for my parents return from vacation, but why? They would have been vacationing anyways, so what would it matter if they have work to do here when they come back? I guess I just want it to be perfect, and that's really kind of crazy. And I also understood the difficulty of the life my mother must lead, because when she's at the cottage, the dryer is always running. I did that for a day and I went nuts.

At least Sunday night before hitting the sack, I watched 2 of the stories from Sin City at my floor neighbors' apartment. Seeing all these bad asses doing violence for "good" was so refreshing from my overworked week end of hell.

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