Friday, October 28, 2011

The Zombie Walk

It seems there is a lot of walks happening in Montreal recently: after the Slut Walk, we had the Zombie Walk last week-end. The Zombie Walk is similar to the Slut Walk: you basically have a bunch of people in costumes walking around town.

Except that the Slut Walk has some kind of social message and is an organised social action that aims at rooting-out sexual discrimination. The Zombie Walk on the other hand seems to have as sole goal the elemination of discrimination against zombies. What that means exactly, I wouldn't know either. The fact of the matter is that it is happening, now a few years in a row, and it seems to give people great pleasure, as they can fianlly display their trully ghoulish personalities.

Enjoy your Halloween week-end and watch-out for those zombies lurking in the dark corners of Montreal: they might just eat you out.

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