Thursday, December 22, 2011

Some more writing: Europe vs Europe

Here is a little piece of paper that I wrote after my summer vacation. The word "vacation" is an understatement, because we where away for a good 6 weeks, travelling first on bus/train through Portugal, than in car through Spain and finally in car through Bulgaria.

I won't recall too may details here (because I have forgotten them). At least I wrote this long article, show bellow. Hopefully this will serves as some kind of memory to our adventures.

Finally, I also wanted to share the latest about the NYE celebrations for 2012 in Montreal. Nothing like a good professional events listing, for helping one to figure out what to do on that so-hard-to-decide night of the 31st of December.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The national capital vs Montreal

Ottawa is just 200 km away from Montreal, yet it seems that we, Montrealers, pay little attention to our national capital. And that's a mistake, because Ottawa has a lot of fun little things to offer. You just have to know where to look at.

In good imperialistic fashion, we in Montreal must always compare ourselves to everyone else. And so, here is this little smack-down between Montreal and Ottawa, where we discuss everything that Montreal has and Ottawa doesn't.

If you don't agree, and believe the article is too biased, feel free to comment bellow it. That's what the Internet is for.

Friday, December 09, 2011

Tonight, Ninja Tune recording artist Bonobo is playing the Belmont, a space on St-Laurent street.

I discovered Bonobo in 2005, while living in the US. I think I downloaded a torrent with a whole bunch of electronic music, and there he was, with a couple of amazing songs.

I have been meaning to see him live for quite a while now, but it seems every time I miss his concerts. I need to keep my eyes more opened to what's happening in the local music culture.

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