Thursday, November 08, 2012

Snack 'n Blues

Not much writing has been done in our realms lately. I guess both inspiration but most importantly motivation, are lacking. Not a good state of mind to be into, when you can't write because everything is so off, so shitty. I don't know how real writers do it: they must always be in a good mood, or always in a bad mood. Swings must be tough for them.

The only thing done recently is this review, for Snack 'n Blues, a bar on St-Laurent street in the Mile End neighborhood. A nice local bar, always good to grab a few drinks at with your friends.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Back to life

Many things have happened to me this summer / year. Most too personal to share (obviously).

Unfortunately, there hasn't been much writing either. At least some other people are trying to keep up, and I just learned that the Montreal Mirror is now resuscitated as a new website, called

This is amazing news.

Friday, April 27, 2012

A new photographer friend

The amount of talent in Montreal is quite astonishing. I just met a new young photographer: Svetla Atanasova, a gifted young photographer. I was attending a party / concert of Theodosii Spassov, probably the best Bulgarian kaval player. Svetla was the photographer for the night, and we exchanged a few words. Just wanted to share the link to her website, where you can see a sample of her photography.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The (Moby or March) blues

It's been a long time I've really really written something here, something original, something real.

Tonight it's just strange, something is going on now, or this month, or this year. It's March and its warm , really warm. We got 12, and we're waiting for 20.

Everyone is tired, I am tired, tati is sick and tired, my bro is tired (like always though ;). People's eyes are twitching, my eye is twitching too. Everyone is looking for a job and not finding, or working in shitty jobs. There are no jobs out there. There is no money; I am so deep in, it's not even funny; I should stop eating for months to pay all my debts back.

But it's the twitchy eyes that scare me: why are they twitching? What's wrong? We're young, we're able, we're healthy and we're beautiful. Where is all this pressure coming from?

I hope, I really really hope that it was always there. That every generation had it.

We can't be that much worse off than previous generations. Maybe there are no jobs, maybe there won't be big houses for us.

But we've seen a lot, we've traveled, we've lived. We've learned, we've been to university and beyond.

Hopefully it's not all just an illusion, there to make use accept the shit jobs and pay we get.

Everyone says we have too high expectations, we're not in touch with the reaility pof the job market.

Or maybe we are, maybe there is a big conspiracy  in the job market to make us buy it all, accept the shit that they are throwing at us.

They aren't promoting a lot of us at work, actually no one. Anushkeeen works as a manager and gets treated and paid like shit. My bro isn't getting work, Djudjken isn't getting work, Djudjken's sister isn't getting work.


And the CD, it's gone. Music, selling records, that's gone. The TV is on it's way out, killing itself by putting more and more and more shit out there, thinking that volume will compensate for the attack coming from the internet.

Well it won't. Just quality will.

Why I am thinking of CD's, or records, of music? Because I started listening to Djudjken's CD's at home, when I am working on this piece of shit computer.

And I realized there are no more records being released. It's over.

Did we win, or did we loose?

You can say what you want, you can prise progress, computers, the internet. But the reality is we lost. We lost by not having CDs.

My kids will grow up not listening to records. They'll listen to their computer.

That fukin sucks.

Even when Moby released this record in 2005, it all looked so much better, with a such better possible outcome than the one we got now.

Where is Moby when you need him?

And finally the amazing re-make (which made me cry yesterday)

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Your favorite Pinq Taco?

It is definitely not my favorite name, but Montreal's nightlife has this old-habit of surprising you. The new bar on St-Laurent, Pinq Taco, is one of these weird surprises (important to not that I am not saying pleasant surprises).

I don't want to say much, you can follow the link and read the review. I just wanted to post a link to this new Montreal nightlife review.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Finding the cool of a Montreal winter

Montreal's winters are know for their bitter cold. But that doesn't mean that they aren't cool either: there are tons of activities to do during the winter in Montreal.

As in a lot of things in life, the key is not to stay idle on your couch, not to stay in front of your TV, or this computer screen (while reading this post :).

The key is to get out of your house and go look for those activities and do them.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Some more writing: Europe vs Europe

Here is a little piece of paper that I wrote after my summer vacation. The word "vacation" is an understatement, because we where away for a good 6 weeks, travelling first on bus/train through Portugal, than in car through Spain and finally in car through Bulgaria.

I won't recall too may details here (because I have forgotten them). At least I wrote this long article, show bellow. Hopefully this will serves as some kind of memory to our adventures.

Finally, I also wanted to share the latest about the NYE celebrations for 2012 in Montreal. Nothing like a good professional events listing, for helping one to figure out what to do on that so-hard-to-decide night of the 31st of December.

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